Sunday, November 22, 2015

What Money Can't Buy

I feel like everybody wants to be rich and famous and it is something everyone wants. Their main focus in live is based on earning a sufficient amount of money to buy all their needs in life. They think that will earn them happiness. I once asked someone what they wanted to be when they grew up and they said "I wanna be rich and famous" so I responded out of annoyance "that isn't a profession". Then I started to think. Everybody wants money so you would think that it is the most important thing in the world, but its not. Money can give you many many things but if all you have is money, honestly, you don't have much. Here are a couple things money can't buy.

1. Love
Love. I’m sure you have heard of a few people who marry for money and try to convince themselves that they love someone rich. However, that is not true love. True love is feeling you get when you want to be around someone constantly and it is priceless not to mention hard to find. But if it is bought it is not love. You can’t pay someone to love you because it just comes. I’ve never been in love but I have seen my parents and how in love with each other they are. They have an unbreakable bond and they truly are the best of friends. Looking at that it shows me that simply cannot be bought. It is something that is found and something that is developed overtime.

2. Friends
True friendship is someone who will stick by your side under any circumstances or when you are nothing. They are always there for you and you can’t pay for someone like that. I met most of my friends last year in 8th grade and we immediately bonded. They are still my friends and they mean the world to me. They stand up for me and make me feel better when I’m down. They always know how to make me laugh and I can trust them with anything. I love the time I spend with them and they make me happy. All of these things my friends do for me is not based off of money. It is just true friendship.

3. Time
Time. As you look back on your life it seems like it has gone by speedy quick. Time is precious so you never want to waste it. Don't think about the past and don’t think about the future. Live in the moment. This also brings me to worrying. Worrying is such a waste of time cause you just focus on what you could have done better or what you didn't do but it is often something you cant change so it is time gone to waste. You have to spend your time wisely because it will flash right before your eyes. The thing that made me think of this example is once I was with my family but I got invited to somewhere by my friends. I really wanted to go but I couldn’t. That whole day I focused on what my friends were be doing without me and what I could be missing. But doing that caused me to miss fun opportunities with my family. That night I realized I had done nothing all day and I wasted the whole day thinking about something I couldn't change. I guess what I am trying to say is stay in the present and don’t worry.

4. Laughter
Laughter in my opinion is something that represents having a good time. Sure you can buy a ticket to a comedy show or something but thats not what I am talking about. I am talking about an experience or memory that you had with someone like your friends. When I think of laughter I think of the times with my friends when we were all laughing on the floor until we were crying or where we could laugh anymore because our stomachs hurt and most of the time it’s because of a joke or looking back on a memory. We are laughing at something that is not bought and that there is an experience you can’t buy.

5.  A good family relationship
Family relationships develop and sure you can buy someone in your family stuff and you may think is makes them like you more. But I'm talking about the fun times spent with family and using experiences to develop those relationships. I came up with this example by thinking o my family. My family sits at the dinner table together every night to talk. My family makes me feel comfortable and does stuff for me that I don’t think anyone else would do. For example, Many people are like “oh I hate my siblings” and “they’re so annoying!” But personally I love my sister and the time I spend with her is often very fun and she makes my laugh and she is always there for me and always cares about me. That relationship that we have can’t be bought.

Here are some additional things money can't buy (Image from chibird)
I'm not advising people to stop trying to be successful and not care about money because it is a necessary thing in life. I'm just telling you why you shouldn't base your whole life around money and how money isn't everything. The things that money can't buy are way more valuable than money.

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